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Manager’s Guide to Employee Performance Evaluation 

All staff are expected to receive an annual performance review and an updated job description describing their position's expectations. If approved and budget permitting, merit increases for staff will be based on performance.


Employees must have been employed by New York Edge as of December 31, 2022, to be eligible for a merit increase allocation.


Performance Evaluation Forms 


Evaluation Form

e.g. Directors, VP, Sr. Leadership



Site Staff
Evaluation Form

e.g. Program Director, Assistant Director

Evaluation Form

e.g. Data Specialists, Administrative Assistants, Budget Analysts 

 Site Staff

Evaluation Form

e.g. Academic Enrichment Specialist (Tutor Counselors), Activity Specialists


Tips & Timelines​


  • Make the performance evaluation a priority so you do not miss any critical points.

  • Do not start the performance evaluation too late; to conduct an accurate and precise evaluation, you might need a longer time than expected.

  • Make sure you do not confuse employees by creating an unrealistic goal.

  • Detail is important but do not over-evaluate an employee.

  • Create a habit of progressive feedback throughout the year and document them. 

Performance Evaluation Portal Opens 

Monday, July 17th


All NYE Staff

Deadline - Friday, August 25th



Performance Review

for Managers



Question: I have only supervised this employee for a short time; another manager managed them, or their previous manager resigned.


Answer:  If the previous supervisor has left NYE, the only option is for the new supervisor to collaborate with the second-level supervisor or the department head for feedback on completing the performance review.  



Question: What happens if the previous supervisor leaves the organization? Then who should complete the performance evaluation?


Answer: If the previous supervisor is no longer with NYE, then the previous supervisor’s supervisor must complete the performance evaluation. 


Question:  How long should I give my staff to comment after the performance review with my staff?


Answer: It is encouraged to provide staff at least two days to comment if so desired; ensure that your staff understands the time constraint to sign/comment and return the evaluation.  



Question:  What happens when staff is managed by two supervisors simultaneously?


Answer: Both supervisors must collaborate and complete a fair and timely evaluation. Please note that not being able to complete the review promptly and/or submitting of incomplete performance evaluation will affect both managers’ evaluation.



Question: What if an employee refuses to sign the evaluation?


Answer: An employee’s refusal to sign does not mean that the performance evaluation is not valid:  A signed or unsigned (employee) copy of the performance evaluation must be forwarded to Human Resources to be placed in the employee personnel file.




Question: What if an employee disagrees with the evaluation rating?


Answer: BEFORE the review. If a manager believes that an employee isn’t going to like their performance appraisal, talk with Employee Relations before having the meeting. Employee Relations can offer some guidance on the best way to deliver the review. Please note that employees should receive proactive performance feedback and not be surprised at the performance review rating.


DURING the review. The manager can give an employee the option of delivering their rebuttal to Employee Relations or the manager. 


AFTER the review. The manager should debrief with Employee Relations about the discussion and let us know what happened and what the employee has decided to do. Once the employee rebuttal is received, Employee Relations will have a follow-up meeting to address the employee’s concerns. 


Question:  Will I be getting a merit increase this year?


Answer:If approved and the budget permits, merit increases for staff will be based on performance.


Question:   What happens when an employee has a non-medical break in service?


Answer:An employee can only be evaluated on the work performed and the period of time at work. 


Question:  What happens when an employee is on medical leave?


Answer: An employee on medical leave due to family and self must be evaluated after returning from leave. Please note that employees will not receive a merit increase without a completed, signed evaluation, even if they return from leave. 


Question: What happens when an employee gets a 1 –unacceptable performance?


Answer: The manager must put the employee on a performance improvement plan (PIP). Contact Employee Relations for further details and instructions.

Have a question? Submit your inquiry directly to HR.

Thanks for submitting!

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